Remove Address & Description in Recent Listing Sidebox in phpMyDirectory

Recent Listing Sidebox in phpMyDirectory is very long because it contains listing address & short description. I prefer short sidebox hence I want to remove listing address & short description.

To do this, need to edit 2 files.


Under the “// RECENT” section find the following

$results[$key]['link'] = $PMDR->get('Listings')->getURL($value['id'],$value['friendly_url']);

Add the following code directly above it.

$results[$key]['nodetails'] = 1;

blocks/sidebox_listings.tpl file in template directory

Find the following

<span class="listing_sidebox_location"><?php echo $this->escape($listing['address']); ?></span><br />
<span class="listing_sidebox_description"><?php echo $this->escape_html($listing['description_short']); ?></span><br />

Replace it with the code below

<?php if($listing['nodetails'] != 1) { ?>
<span class="listing_sidebox_location"><?php echo $this->escape($listing['address']); ?></span><br />
<span class="listing_sidebox_description"><?php echo $this->escape_html($listing['description_short']); ?></span><br />
<?php } ?>

“Sorry, subdomains of the hostname cannot be parked” Error in cPanel/WHM

If you’re reading this post, most likely you encounter the following error while adding domain in your cPanel.

"Sorry, subdomains of the hostname cannot be parked"

This error causes the domain you going to be added failed. The problem is due to server hostname is similar to the domain that you’re going to add.

The solution is very simple. Login to WHM & do the following

Server Configuration → Tweak Setting → Domains → Allow users to park subdomains of the server’s hostname main domain  → Select On  → Click Save Button

After you did this try to add the domain again. You should be able to add it successfully.