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Implementing EU User Consent Policy for Google AdSense

If you are using Google AdSense in your website to earn some money from your website, you are probably aware that you are suppose to have EU User Consent Policy in your website by 30th September 2015.

European laws require that digital publishers to notify visitors from European countries about the use of cookies for quite sometimes now. What’s new is that, Google will be applying this to its own services such as including AdSense and DoubleClick for Publishers.

Luckily, Google came to assist AdSense publishers by setting up CookieChoices website. As stated in CookieChoices, there are a few third party vendors that offer free scripts to the publishers, and I like SilkTide scripts & implement it in my website. You can choose from six different themes.

Below are the code example which generated from SilkTide.

<!-- Begin Cookie Consent plugin by Silktide - -->
<script type="text/javascript">
 window.cookieconsent_options = {"message":"This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website","dismiss":"Got it!","learnMore":"More info","link":null,"theme":"dark-bottom"};

<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
<!-- End Cookie Consent plugin -->

However, this code will be displayed to all visitors to your website, which may be quite annoying for visitors from non-EU countries. Why not just limit it to only visitors from the EU? Yes you could do it via GeoTargetting.

If we combine SilkTide & Geotargetting code, these are the results. Bear in mind that this code will only work if you are using Cloudflare service for your domain & enable IP Geolocation in the specific domain.

$country_code = $_SERVER["HTTP_CF_IPCOUNTRY"];

$europe = array('EU', 'AT', 'BE', 'BG', 'CY', 'HR', 'CZ', 'DK', 'EE', 'FI', 'FR', 'DE', 'GR', 'HU', 'IE', 'IT', 'LV', 'LT', 'LU', 'MT', 'NL', 'PL', 'PT', 'RO', 'SK', 'SI', 'ES', 'SE', 'GB', 'AL', 'MK', 'ME', 'RS', 'TR', 'BA', 'XK');

if(in_array($country_code, $europe)) {

<!-- Begin Cookie Consent plugin by Silktide - -->
<script type="text/javascript">
 window.cookieconsent_options = {"message":"This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website","dismiss":"Got it!","learnMore":"More info","link":null,"theme":"dark-bottom"};

<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
<!-- End Cookie Consent plugin -->

<?php } ?>

Google AdSense, Highest Paying Country in 2014

This is the forth edition of the statistic on Highest Paying Country for Google AdSense Publisher. This post cover from the period of 1st January 2014 to 31st December 2014.

As before, I remove the country that I received less than 3,000 visitors for the same duration to ensure the data are more re presentable.

Basically, the countries are ranked based on Revenue per Thousand (“RPM”) impression with the highest RPM at the first position while the lowest RPM at the last position. This data is real data from my websites. Your data may be slightly different base on your website niche.

In 2014, Norway and Australia retain the top 3 position while United States drop from second to twelve position. United Kingdom drops too.

I hope these data will be useful, to increase your AdSense earnings by focusing on the highest paying countries.

Rank Country
1 Norway
2 Australia
3 Germany
4 New Zealand
5 Belgium
6 Sweden
7 Switzerland
8 Netherlands
9 France
10 Denmark
11 United Kingdom
12 United States
13 Finland
14 Austria
15 South Africa
16 Singapore
17 Ireland
18 Canada
19 Luxembourg
20 Hong Kong
21 Israel
22 Japan
23 Angola
24 Slovenia
25 Iceland
26 Bermuda
27 Estonia
28 Slovakia
29 Kuwait
30 United Arab Emirates
31 Italy
32 Spain
33 Russia
34 Czech Republic
35 Malta
36 Moldova
37 Belarus
38 Portugal
39 Greece
40 Lithuania
41 Bahrain
42 Tanzania
43 Saudi Arabia
44 Latvia
45 South Korea
46 Cyprus
47 Poland
48 Chile
49 Lebanon
50 Namibia
51 Nigeria
52 Oman
53 Thailand
54 Zambia
55 China
56 Panama
57 Qatar
58 Puerto Rico
59 Malaysia
60 Zimbabwe
61 Trinidad & Tobago
62 Brunei
63 Macau
64 Jordan
65 Papua New Guinea
66 Botswana
67 Cayman Islands
68 Haiti
69 Palestine
70 Fiji
71 Barbados
72 Ethiopia
73 Uganda
74 Kenya
75 Mexico
76 Bulgaria
77 Taiwan
78 Croatia
79 Gibraltar
80 Congo (DRC)
81 Monaco
82 Argentina
83 Bahamas
84 Netherlands Antilles
85 Hungary
86 Ukraine
87 Azerbaijan
88 Mozambique
89 Côte d’Ivoire
90 Ghana
91 Guatemala
92 Costa Rica
93 Peru
94 Jamaica
95 Indonesia
96 Iraq
97 Sudan
98 Aruba
99 Yemen
100 Tunisia
101 Mauritius
102 Uzbekistan
103 Rwanda
104 Brazil
105 Serbia
106 Romania
107 Honduras
108 Uruguay
109 Algeria
110 Albania
111 Kosovo
112 Libya
113 Armenia
114 Kazakhstan
115 Cameroon
116 India
117 Philippines
118 Dominican Republic
119 Macedonia (FYROM)
120 Sri Lanka
121 Venezuela
122 Morocco
123 Ecuador
124 Bangladesh
125 Colombia
126 Maldives
127 Mongolia
128 Bosnia & Herzegovina
129 Georgia
130 Vietnam
131 Turkey
132 Afghanistan
133 Benin
134 Myanmar (Burma)
135 Laos
136 Cambodia
137 Egypt
138 El Salvador
139 Nepal
140 Paraguay
141 Senegal
142 Bolivia
143 Pakistan