
Remove Category-Location at Sitemap & Listing of phpMyDirectory

phpMyDirectory (PMD) is a great directory software. You can browse listings via Category, Location or Category-Location. However, for some directory, it is not necessary to have category-location as many of them do not contain any listing. This may give poor SEO.

If your directory falls under this category, you may want to disable Category-Location in the Sitemap & Listing Page. To disable there are 3 files that you need to modify.

1. /xml.php

Find this code

if($categories_count > 0 AND $locations_count > 0) {

Replace it with

if($categories_count > 0 AND $locations_count > 0 AND FALSE) {


2. browse_categories.tpl – in template directory

Find this code

<?php if($location_columns) { ?>

Replace it with

<?php if($location_columns AND FALSE) { ?>


3. browse_location.tpl – in template directory

Find this code

<?php if($category_columns) { ?>

Replace it with

<?php if($category_columns AND FALSE) { ?>

How to Change Google Map Type in phpMyDirectory

To change Google Map Type in listing details of phpMyDirectory from the default “ROADMAP” is very easy. You only to edit “/includes/class_map.php” file.

Find the following


Replace it with any of 4 options below, depending on your map selection.

  1. MapTypeId.ROADMAP – displays the default road map view. This is the default map type.
  2. MapTypeId.SATELLITE – displays Google Earth satellite images
  3. MapTypeId.HYBRID – displays a mixture of normal and satellite views
  4. MapTypeId.TERRAIN – displays a physical map based on terrain information.